maandag 11 januari 2016

Rembrandt, the night watch

I got myself a Rembrandt Night Watch fabric some time ago and I wanted to create a jsk with this but, there were a lot of obstacles I had to overcome! 

As this is one of my favorite paintings I couldn't resist giving this fabric a go!
Sadly, when I got home, I realized that 1 panel wasn't enough so I had to wait till another fabric fair to be able to buy one...
After a while, my friend went to one of those fairs and knew I still needed one (as I asked her to get me some when she went to this place) and I got an extra panel for my birthday!
(Thank you so much Jokemus <3)

I decided I would try a new pattern so I chose one from my Otomo no lolita sewing books!
and I picked out this pattern
I felt that the style and the cut from this jsk was really flattering, elegant and fitted the aesthetic from my fabric most!
I never made lace-holes in fabric so I thought that would be a nice challenge. (and it was... I think making this jsk got me a level-up in my sewing skills!)

First I drafted the pattern!
 I chose size L cause I felt that I would be to big for the other sizes but, I it would have been better if I took size M cause it runs really big!
 I drew all parts two times cause the fabric isn't double and this way I could see really well how and where I could cut the top pieces from!
 It was a real puzzle to figure out what part I could cut out from what part without losing any of the painting
 When all parts got a place on the fabric ( two Rembrandt panels and 1 black panel)
 Here is my partner in crime, my sewing machine!
 First I started with making the shirring panel! I tried to follow the instructions from the sewing-book and it was quite easy to understand and follow!
After I cut all the parts from the dress, I took the back shirring parts and sew the 2 parts together, then turned it the right way and I ironed it so it's perfect! after this I drew on markings for the stretch tunnels and started sewing!
When the tunnels were made I pulled all the stretch trough ( I really hate this part :P takes up so much time and it's so annoying to do!)
 All done!!!
After this it was a little puzzling time... what go's where and how...
I've never made my shirring panel upfront so I was a bit skeptic about how to make this work!
 And then we put all the parts together... TADAAAAA!!!
 After sewing all parts together, I ironed the entire thing and practiced the art of making the iron lace-holes!
 The making of the holes didn't take up a lot of time and I felt very happy about the result I got!
Then as a last part, I had to sew the bodice and the skirt part together! not the hardest part but I always find this a very time consuming part so it always makes me nervous! 
And this is the result!
 When I tried the jsk on, it was WAY to big! I was a bit disappointed I didn't measure the parts better and with the way I made the shirring panel, it's not possible to quickly pull the stretchers to a smaller size so I decided I would also put in some lacing in the back so I can make it as big or small as I want!

 I'm really happy I did this cause now I can really fit the dress to my bodytype!
Here a picture of the full back!

Thank you for reading <3 

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Sweetie, I LOVE IT! You are very talented and this dress is to die for! I can't wait to seeing you wearing it *^*

  2. Nice work! Good to see how you work :) I want to try make lace holes as well some day. I wonder how it looks on you ^_^ you make such great photos too so I can't wait for that!

    1. I was planning on doing a shoot with the dress Thursday if the weather isn't to bad... cause I'm actually curious myself to see how it'll look when I do a full coord...
      Thank you so much for the encouraging words! <3

  3. Now this is seriously cool! Bravo! I think the lacing in the back makes it actually more interesting, though it must have been hell to make.

    1. Thank you so much :3
      the backlacing was not very easy I have to admit but... once I got the structure going it was ok to do! My husband was wondering what I was doing with hammer tho :P while sewing hahahaha
      also Thank you so much for you encouraging words and reading my blog <3
